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Unread 18-06-2007, 13:26   #4
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Default Food

There is a restaurant car (a real one with table service, those little lights on the tables, china (well not plastic) cups, etc . . . ) on the train. Breakfast is served by the car attendant in your cabin about 30-45 minutes before you are due to arrive. It is reasonably standard airline fare (scone, jam, bread, juice, etc . . .) but at least you get something.

It is nice sitting in the resto car, watching the world go by as the train slips out of London in the mid-evening. The berths are made up when you get to the train, so there's actually not a lot of sitting space in the cabin. You pretty much either have to lie down or else go to the resto for a while.

I don't know what dates you are looking at, but I just checked and there were plenty of Aberdeen/London and London/Aberdeen bargain fares available for the next few months. If you are fixed to a particular day or even week you may be out of luck, but if you have some flexibility you should be able to pick up a good fare.

For example, £19 ex-London on 27Aug, £29 ex-Aberdeen on 21Aug.

There also seem to be more fares available for Fort William, but not until September.

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