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Unread 16-06-2007, 20:01   #57
Derek Wheeler
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PPT has a role to play irrespective of the interconnector.

1. It could've allowed some Kildare line trains into Docklands.

2. Post interconnector it could've allowed some outer suburban services into Connolly/Pearse.

3. Its route runs through huge housing areas. Stations could be provided at Blackhorse Avenue, Cabra x 2 and Phibsboro.

4. Even local commuter services could be provided.

It was planned for use on the original Kildare commuter project, running from Clondalkin to Pearse. Kildare politicians (namely Labour) got their mits on it and due to the increased pressure for Maynooth services and the extension from Clondalkin to Kildare town, the tunnel idea was killed off.

Local lobbying does nothing for the bigger picture. In fact it distorts it.
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