Originally Posted by sean
True, but Cork-Belfast 1-change could be done in the next timetable. By bringing Cork-Dublin trains to Connolly and rescheduling the Enterprise to meet them.
"But Connolly is full  " one can hear IE cry. Well that's because everything that goes into Connolly from the West uses the Drumcondra line often to cross the mainline to the terminal platforms, leaving a fast, direct, twin track Midland line unused and P7 underutilised.
My view, which I've stated frequently, is that the approaches to Connolly, particularly from the West, are done in a very inefficient way. I believe this inefficiency reduces Connolly's capacity significantly. IE should have a plan to divide and harmonise Connolly access paths.
divide and conquer more like. if connolly trains coming from the north terminated at the same time as those coming from the west (in and onto platform 5 say) would this not free slots? or the less favourable option of enterprise trains terminating just as rosslare trains leave from 5. would this not only require one slot?