I was on the 07.16 Dundlak to Bray service, that was due into Connolly at 08.37. We arrived just north of the station on time, and waited there for about 10 minutes. Eventually the driver advised that due to track unavailability/train path problems (or words to that effect) we would be delayed, but would soon be in. When we pulled in about 2 minutes later, I spotted the earlier failed 8 carriage 26000 series Drogheda-Bray service. I reckon with this blocking platform 5, and the 08.40 Connolly- Maynooth service waiting at platform 7, this only left 1 platform for all northbound DARTs/Gorey/ southbound DARTs/Drogheda/Dundalk services, for about 10-15 minutes of the main morning peak. After a few minutes waiting there, I could hear announcements in the distance, but as I was on the last carriage, there is no PA system for anyone to hear beyond the canopy on platforms 5,6, or 7.
We soon headed off, but by 09.00 we were only to Tara street. At this point, I rang the Connolly information desk, who advised all services had resumed. Following this, there were plenty of announcements, advising services had resumed, and delays were at 25 minutes. In fact, I did not get to Lansdowne road for another 25 minutes. All in all, another bad morning on IE.
When I checked their website at 09.30am, there was no mention of either incident. Nothing on AA roadwatch either.