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Unread 06-06-2007, 14:50   #1
Mark Gleeson
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Default [article] Bray Luas Route Chosen

No surprise here

Cullen announces Luas extension route

Kilian Doyle

The route of the extension of the Luas Green Line from Cherrywood to Bray was unveiled today.

It will follow the old Harcourt Street rail line over the Bride's Glen viaduct and run alongside the M11 before crossing over the motorway to terminate in Fassaroe, which has been earmarked for major development.

The six-kilometre route was one of three options identified as part of a public consultation process by the Rail Procurement Agency (RPA)

The plan allows for a branch to a possible new Dart station at Willbrook, south of Shankill or a branch from Wilford through Bray to the Dart station on the seafront. The RPA has yet to decide on which option it will take regarding the two possible branches off the line.

The new Luas line, known as Luas Line B2 is funded under Transport 21. Possible stops along the selected route include St Colmcille's, Stonebridge Road, Crinken Lane, Wilford, Old Connaught and Fassaroe.

The line is currently being extended from Sandyford to Cherrywood.

Minister for Transport Martin Cullen said today he expected the current works to be completed by 2012, at which point work will begin on the new extension.

"It also brings into play the sort of integration we've been trying to get, namely the connectivity between Dart services at Bray and the Luas extension," Mr Cullen said. "That's one of the things the public has wanted."

When complete, he said the new route would add around 13 million passenger journeys a year. Last year 26 million passengers used the Red and Green Luas lines. This was an increase of 16 per cent over 2005.

Mr Cullen would not speculate on the potential cost of the work. However, he said it was anticipated a portion of the cost would be met by property developers who were building along the route.

A public consultation meeting on the possible branches off the main Luas line is being held by the RPA at the Royal Hotel in Bray tomorrow.

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