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Unread 02-06-2007, 21:13   #27
Thomas J Stamp
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Originally Posted by craigybagel View Post
You saw a trolley on the CDE?!?!? wow miracles do happen....

Just as a matter of interest why do people still use catering on the train these days? Il admit i used to use it on occasion when it was affordable but since then ive just been going to the shops near whatever station im using. Foods always cheaper, usually tastier and i know im not getting ripped off! Catering on trains for me now is a luxury to be enjoyed abroad only, but why arent more people doing the same? Am i the only poor person out there?
I've seen the trolly on the CDE loads of times. Ad for why I usually ate (past tense now) twas coz i was in first class and was waited on hand agus foot by the very fine and professional Pat. Dont know what became of him when they changed over but guys like him made rail travel what it was supposed to be - high end confort and relaxation. Not anymore, no siree!!! Today the intercity fleet is becoming a glorified bus, and mores the pity. Considering that soon every city in the country will be connected to Dublin by a road network as fast as the train you'd think they would have kept a few of the enhanced features, wouldn't you?

We did an article for Hospitality Magazine about this at their request but dont know if it ever saw the light of day.
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