Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson
We know the Carlow train which serves Kildare at 7am is turning up consistently 15-20 minutes late that implies it is reaching Carlow up to 30 minutes late. If the train to Carlow is late leaving Dublin its not unreasonable to assume the 7:20 from Port Loais also arrives late from Dublin (its due in at 7:03), this then results in a scramble to move all the trains around so the 5:15 from Cork can get through
If the trains spent the night in Carlow and Portlaoise it wouldn't happen
It's been a while since I took the 6.30 from Carlow (I'm usually on the 6.10 from Waterford these days). However, when I did, the train usually reached Athy within a few minutes of the set time. (I noticed that between 2005 and 2006 (I think) the departure time from Carlow was the same, but the Athy departure moved a few minutes earlier. I could only figure this was a trick to force Athy people to stop missing the train when it did, very occasionally, actually make it in exactly on time.)
Where the delays usually happened were Cherryville. It was not unusual to reach there in about 10-12 minutes from Athy (13 miles), but, especially if the train stops there, for the last run to Kildare to take almost another 10 minutes
after we start moving again.
But it's not just the timetabling, either. It got to the point where we knew before getting on the train whether we'd be late or not. You can tell by how the driver approaches (does he rocket in and hammer the brakes like he should, or does he drift in like he's afraid the brakes are made of €50 notes). This is usually reflected in the way the driver drives out of Athy, from Cherryville to Kildare, and the rest of the way. It even got to the stage where, if you weren't sure from the approach itself, you had a good idea when you recognised the individual drivers in the cab. Some drivers just don't seem to have any sense of urgency. I never detected a pattern based on the loco - you could be late or early with any type.
Cherryville to Kildare takes far too long. It's only 2 miles and, from stationary, can take 7-10 minutes. They can do Kildare-Newbridge, 5 miles, in the same time. And frankly, we get stopped at Cherryville too often. This is a problem on both morning trains.
Hope that helps