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Unread 25-05-2007, 21:54   #14
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Wicklow Kilbarrack cork and all stations between
Posts: 74

Funny how a security threat that exists in Kent station doesnt exist across the river in Parnell Place Bus station i leave my bags there all the time instead.

As for bus aras i used theirs once because of Connolly being full. Left my bags there 9 at night no problem (apart from having to pay more than at Connolly.why?!). Came back at 630 am the following morning (Busaras having been open for at least half an hour) went down to the lockers tried to put in my ticket to reclaim my bags only to see written on the screen "Out of service".

So i go to find a member of staff. But there arent any at that time of day not even in the ticket office. All there is is the Polish security guards. So i look for a number to call. Nothing. So i sit in Busaras watching the clock counting down the time to the departure of my bus to cork at 7 (Aircoach). Eventually the ticket office opens I tell them of my problem and in fairness to them they call the porter (who also arrives for work at 7) who goes down to open the locker and get my bag.

I asked him what to do if this happens and the answer is i wait till 7.

So were left with lockers that:
*Cost more than IEs
*More Unreliable than IEs
*When they break, you can only get your stuff out at certain times

And for all this hassle, the extra delay in getting to cork, waiting for the next bus, and all the hassle that i went through did i get a refund? or even a hint of an apology? Did i F**K.

I know people moan about IE a lot on here, and there are some things that BE do a lot better, but when it comes to running there stations, IE win hands down....
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