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Unread 25-05-2007, 19:36   #43
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Originally Posted by ccos View Post
I don't see why Cork-Belfast wouldn't work.

The service wouldn't only be for Cork to Belfast passengers, for example people travelling Kildare -Drogheda or Dundalk-Limerick can avail of the service as well as the Cork-Dublin and Dublin Belfast passengers who will also use it.
Most Long Distance trains I use (outside Ireland) carry very few passengers from Terminus to Terminus but still provide a valuable service with High usage as there is a high turnover of passengers travelling shorter legs.

While were at it what about a night train Cork-Dublin-Belfast and vice-versa during months with no R's
Obviously. Think of all those trains in Eastern Europe, like Budapest-Bratislava-Prague-Berlin. It allows long journies while still catering for intermediate ones too. Though there are far more serious problems to deal with first.
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