Originally Posted by Gary
Hey Sean, would that not be just the same thing as having one train if you had the two trains to meet at the same time.
[quote]No, unless the trainsets were homogenised (sp?) like CDE trainsets covering both legs, otherwise you'd have an hour-and-a-halfly service with Enterprise DDs in Cork and CDEs in Belfast, and given the unique application and problems of both, it would just be too Laurel-and-Hardy-ish
What happens if the Belfast one is delayed.
Depends on how long the delay is - ideally the staff in Connolly would have a new ETA. Depending on how much the delay was, the outbound train would either be held for a few minutes, or the passengers would wait for the next train (Cork trains run hourly now)
If the travelator worked for Heuston be a good idea, not sure about docklands though, there's a fair distance from Connolly to Docklands and as the crow flies it via housing estates. Maybe a walkway alongside the track out of docklands and then up towards the back of connolly might work.
Just a bit of Crayons on Maps from me, I'm afraid.