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Unread 21-05-2007, 14:04   #34
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Originally Posted by Gary View Post
Hey Sean, would that not be just the same thing as having one train if you had the two trains to meet at the same time.
[quote]No, unless the trainsets were homogenised (sp?) like CDE trainsets covering both legs, otherwise you'd have an hour-and-a-halfly service with Enterprise DDs in Cork and CDEs in Belfast, and given the unique application and problems of both, it would just be too Laurel-and-Hardy-ish

What happens if the Belfast one is delayed.
Depends on how long the delay is - ideally the staff in Connolly would have a new ETA. Depending on how much the delay was, the outbound train would either be held for a few minutes, or the passengers would wait for the next train (Cork trains run hourly now)

If the travelator worked for Heuston be a good idea, not sure about docklands though, there's a fair distance from Connolly to Docklands and as the crow flies it via housing estates. Maybe a walkway alongside the track out of docklands and then up towards the back of connolly might work.
Just a bit of Crayons on Maps from me, I'm afraid.
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