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Unread 21-05-2007, 09:46   #8
Thomas J Stamp
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You lucky swine Stephen.

Let me tell you a story, only happened last month.

I regularly use the lockers on heuston. a month ago myself an a mate were going to Howth, but we decided to leave our luggage at hueston didn't want to drag it all on the DART. Lockers closed in Heuston for "refurbishment" and will be opened in "mid-May" i was told. Well, didn't check on Saturday - are they open?

All lockers in Connolly working, but full. Tried Busaras.

Dis-as-ter. Apparently, because the coin boxes were full the vast amount of empty lockers couldn't be used. What you had to do was go to the CSD (more on her below) and get her to call for a porter who would go down and open the coin op and fool the thing into giving you a ticket.

Now, these yokes didn't say out of order, like they should, although others did.

So, tight for time we called to the CSD and the puss on yer one was a scene to be believed. Sometimes you wonder why there is armoured glass on these things others, like that day, you realise it is there for a reason. This little wagon was not only totally not interested in anything - we told her we had a train to catch - but she adopted an offensive and hostile attitude that eventually led me to ask for a manager and this led her to shout "what manager there isn't one for the lockers" a few times before i said "your manager". Luckily for her the porter then arrived and i had to legg it down to the lockers only for him to tell us that they were broke so we had to bring several massive bags to Howth.

So. Don't tell me about how great the lockers or the staff are are Bus Aras. Also, don't bother with the CSD is a moody young one with black hair is on - it may be a desk, but there ain't no customer service there.
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