Thread: 17. Mai
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Unread 18-05-2007, 17:28   #6
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Originally Posted by colmd View Post
Surprising the number of EU countries with royalty,
Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Luxembourg, England,
then Monaco, Liechtenstein, and Vatican as EEA members.

but yeah it is quaint. Imagine the "progressive" Roman Catholic church elect their monarch, while the rest have it by birthright.

How's Norway any way?
Still expensive compared to Dublin?
Yeah, but how many have real power?
The highlighted ones perform more or less ceremonial duties only. Liechtenstein, on the other hand... well, the Prince has a garden party every summer and drinks beer with whoever shows up, but he's a bit out there and still has some hardcore powers (like, say, dissolving the parliament if he sees
fit. He did it a couple of years ago.)
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