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Unread 15-05-2007, 08:46   #29
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Posts: 71

Yea didn't think the reversing would be too much an issue. As for comparing to flight passenger numbers on the route, not sure if this if the best comparsion. As you say the train makes several stops on route and you have the great alternatives of the car and bus that people would also take.

What I was thinking was you replace a Cork - Heuston and a Connolly to Belfast service with one direct service via PPT. Know that means re-giging timetables etc but am sure its still manageable.

Am sure in this car dependent era there's a number of people avoid the public transport option because of the hassle of 2 trains, a tram, some waiting around in Dublin and all that while carrying luggage around.

I know you could get carried away with all sorts of crazy permutations of routes (like cork - sligo) via ppt but here we're talking about linking the island's three major cities and the large towns on route. And it follows the same route of the road that is no doubt taken by many via car.
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