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Unread 14-05-2007, 14:56   #1
Colm Donoghue
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Default new faq item about fixed penalties

I'll point out a few issues and number them according to the leaflet numbers

It's a fixed penalty scheme.
but the "fixed penalty" can vary so it's not fixed. This wishy washyness is the root cause of the whole debate about these penalty fares.

Booking offices are not open for the entire time that trains operate. Ticket machines are normally locked into these closed booking offices.

How is "Reducing the number of passengers not paying the correct fare is not only in our interest, but in the interest of our customers" in my interest.
I don't really care about freeloaders unless they degrade my service. I do care about being delayed by inefficient measures (exit validation) used by IE.

Ah yes that "fixed" variable penalty payment.
Despite being a country wide company, one can only pay by plastic or cash in Dublin.

5) This say's that all passengers starting from any closed station or Broombridge have to pay the "fixed" variable penalty.

6) despite IE's customer charter giving expected waiting times to be served, and IE's website giving times of stations opening hours bearing little resemblance to reality, it's the intending customer's fault if IE provide a poor service apparently.

Ah! you can't pay at your destination. even if you're traveling from Rush and the station is closed.

Ticket vending machines are in operation throughout our network.
Not at all stations though, and not in Broombridge. As there is no ticket office nor ticket machine in Broombridge, bring yer 25 -100 euros with ya for the fixed penalty charge.
Who decides the ticket office is closed?

What does the word Forgotton mean?

Why does the answer to this question contradict the previous answer?

16) Do ticket checkers have the power of arrest?
How much force are authorised ticket checkers allowed use to detain you?

why let igor write customer leaflet? did knuckle drag before spellcheck?
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