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Unread 26-04-2007, 14:57   #11
Brian Condron
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 268

Wacky idea here, but is it possible to have both Luas and heavy rail share the alignment, with some sort of a cut and cover tunnel being provided for the Luas, with the heavy rail being reinstated on top? The presentation I went to last night showed that a two deck metro tunnel is being constructed in Madrid, I have seen plenty of two deck bridges around the world, seems like a straightforward method of construction to have a two deck alignment.

Other than that I really can't see how re-opening Broadstone as a heavy rail station would benefit the city, we need to become more integrated, not less. (However I'd still love to see it open for heritage sake, always thought Broadstone would be a great place for a national railway museum).
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