Firstly the fares are set by the DoT not IE
Limerick enjoys a fantastic service 15 down/14 up all have first class and all carry catering and all are reservable also is the most punctual route in the country by a 4% margin
Galway gets seven each way, journey times are overstated by 15 minutes owing to the single track and passing other trains. First is not available on some trains and not all are reservable. Its not unnoticed that only route IE operate where serious bus competition is in place, Limerick run is still a Bus Eireann monopoly more or less.
Sad fact is the price will be higher where the service levels and quality is better, you have to remember Irish Rail are playing a game here to maximise revenues
And BTW the weekday return Limerick Dublin is €41
We can't change the werid prices but we can force a change where the fares are wrong, for instance there are certain station combinations where the adult fare is less than the weekender fare