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Unread 21-02-2007, 11:45   #2
Thomas J Stamp
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I have scoured the internet but all the plans I see are different!!!
Same for us.

TBH, if you are thinking about a house choose one near a rail alignment, it can only help the potential value.

At the moment, the precise nature of the Grangegorman LUAS plans will depend on the resolution of the current city centre connection between the Green and Red lines. This is of course stupid, as both lines should have been unified in the first place. Even more stupid is the fact that we have a line form Lucan planned to head into the city centre but the current proposed alignment is somewhat vague. This suggests that there will be the exact same problems when (if) the Lucan LUAS line is constructed, and also, when the line through Grangegorman comes to the table.

Doing one big plan, for all these lines, appears to have escaped someones thought process in the DoT and its many many little quangos. Instead we are presented with a selection of lines, whose routing is fairly set in concrete until they get within three miles of O'Connell Bridge, resulting in delays, and cost over-runs.
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