Thread: Mk3 future?
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Unread 19-02-2007, 15:33   #12
Mark Gleeson
Technical Officer
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Total interior replacement
Full mechanical and electrical overhaul
Corrosion treatment
New wheelchair accessible toilet and retention tank (legal requirement)
PIS and CCTV (legal requirement)
New seats
New glass to modern standards (legal requirement)
RVAR door controls, chimes etc (legal requirement)

New door mechanism
New gangways
26kW AC units, currently 24.5kW
Push pull sockets

In simple terms take a Mk4 interior stick it in a Mk3 less the computer bits. Mk4 shows all the signs the CAF used the Mk3a as a design reference

What we have is a coach good on technical design and performance but is quickly becoming substandard in terms of expectations. If they are scrapped before 2016 (thats the date pencilled in 6 years ago) we will be in trouble we know that but if the government put up the cash for all new when the time comes its win win for the passengers

Last edited by Mark Gleeson : 19-02-2007 at 15:40.
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