Has Irish Rail given any thought to what they're going to do with all their 201 locos after they scrap virtually all of their pull-only trains?
I'd like to see spare Mk3s being used on the long distance commuter routes from Connolly. The 29ks IMO simply aren't fit for any journey over an hour, and whenever I've used the Longford Commuter service off-peak it's been empty while a comparable Intercity service would have had a decent loading.
That may have changed now that they're ALL commuter trains

but you get the idea. I'm sure its a similar story on other very long commuter routes - only used when absolutely unavoidable.
I don't mean terminating and starting these (Mk3 commuter) trains at Connolly because IE rightly doesn't want to do that - instead leftover pull only trains could run through between Longford/Dundalk and points South. A 201 locomotive can go to Longford and Dundalk (obviously) and I'm sure they can go a good way down the Rosslare Europort line as well.
I mean, they're going to throw these things out right? Might as well see if they could be used productively first.