Thread: Maps anyone?
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Unread 15-02-2007, 23:33   #8
Thomas J Stamp
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oh god, make it stop!!!

the only reason I havent locked this thread or even moved it is because, yes you can get maps for all the lines fairly easily.

Go to Easons O'connell street, go downstairs to the transport section, beside the piller there is a rail sub section, there are two books which contain a detailed map of all the lines (used and unused) in ireland.

Basicly, all the lines were at a peak around 1902, from them smaller branch and exotic lines were closed, mass closures in the 50's and sixties, to what we have today pretty much.

anyway, as said before, we're not a historical society, so if Garrett can pop off to Easons and say he's happy I'll close the thread.
We are the passengers
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