Originally Posted by Aphfaneire
Truth be told i got lost using the 16a once, because ever since the 16 route was made while i live in ballinteer i though both busses came down the road behind my estate. unfortunate for me i didnt know it ended at nutgrove, but i walked up to the 14/48a/116 terminus anyway, lazily though i think i txted for a lift even though it was half the journey i had just walked to get home 
My sister's story was that she got the bus into town for something instead of the usual school bus home. She then hopped on a 16/16A intending to get to Terenure and ended up in Santry.
This same sister is a credit to private education when it comes to public transport as well. She knew that any 15 15A 15B 15D 15E or 15F would get her home, so she thought maybe the 15O would as well (O as in "O" not as in zero)