Thread: V-Day
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Unread 14-02-2007, 19:30   #11
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: County louth, 6 miles from civilisation:-(
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Ah Hallmark, what a legend of a company. Eventing an entire event just to sell cards and cause general unrest in most people relationships, genious!

Oh and if some has a boyfriend that perfect, you must question if shes dating herself? What man can actually write a good love poem these days, that isnt "s**k me k**b or smack me in the gobb, casue roses are red and violets are blue, and i wanna s***w you"

Thankfully as a very young man i have still not had to enjure such touture of forgetting this day or having someone to remind me.
Commuting is my extra 50 minutes of sleep

Last edited by Derek Wheeler : 14-02-2007 at 20:10. Reason: blatant vulgarity that may be offensive. Light edit applied
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