Im not rich but 7 grand plus to go to school, more than the govt are paying for my college education, means i will call it the spire, when else could some one use such a word, theres spikes everywhere, its unique.
Truth be told i got lost using the 16a once, because ever since the 16 route was made while i live in ballinteer i though both busses came down the road behind my estate. unfortunate for me i didnt know it ended at nutgrove, but i walked up to the 14/48a/116 terminus anyway, lazily though i think i txted for a lift even though it was half the journey i had just walked to get home
I admit, i only know 4 through city routes that are relitivly free flowing to get to the southside, this doesnt include the m50 or n11, which are just fools work, ones a c ones a straight enough line
But also, i only know about 2 or 3 routes on the northside. Drumcondra road, glasnevin avenue to finglas/airport and to some extent that going far enough on the malahide road can get you to a road that meets the end of the m50, i think