Thread: V-Day
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Unread 13-02-2007, 10:12   #8
2Funki4Wheelz's Avatar
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I'm a girl and even I think valentines is daft.
Lads, your partner only ends up hating you for the following reason:

Coming up to Valo's you're a rational woman:
You actually don't expect that much if anything, you may even tell your fella you don't want anything. It's a Hallmark driven event for teenagers and it's a unfair that women get more than men out of it and it's takes equality arguments back a fair whack. And everything's overpriced anyway.

Valo's day:
You go into work and there's always one prima donna who get's a huuuuge bunch of flowers from Mr. Perfect, she's getting flown to London for dinner at the Ivy, he's bought her Agent Provacteur's entire Spring catalogue and he wrote her a poem which he hand delivered and seranaded her with. Bitch. (and so is he actually)

Suddenly you feel inadequate and you feel that your fella's inadequate. So you stomp home and eye the little card and box of Roses you got and hate the world. And take it all out on poor boyfriend.
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