Ah Mark, you're a youngster. Don't waste a thought on it.
Valentines day is a day designed to make your partner hate you. No matter what you do, it won't be good enough. So don't bother doing anything. Start your day by going to work. Ignore her calls, txts etc. when she's realised that you have forgotten. At lunch time treat yourself to a decent meal and a meaningful discussion with some work colleagues. Laugh out loud at those who are preoccupied with the arrangements of the oncoming night out.
After work, head out with unattached mates for a few pints and laugh some more at the many couples staring at each other. In particular look at the women and think of how lucky you are not to be with your sulky "i didn't get gold for valentines" other half.
By pint number 8, give her a ring and say I l..l..l..love you babesh. Then head for a kebab while failing to hang up. Let her rabbit on in your pocket and then vomit on the roadside as she finally starts crying. Feel lucky as you can hang up. Clean your gob and laugh yet again at the many couples arguing after a night of pent up anger.