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Unread 09-02-2007, 19:25   #9
Mark Gleeson
Technical Officer
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Here we go again, there now are 4 notices about more or less the same thing on the IE site

Note there is no notice of this 19:15 train, its not in the sports specials section

Its a total balls up, trains sitting idle all over the place and IE manage one intercity special

General News

Rail Travel from Galway to Dublin Sunday 11th Feb by Corporate Communications

Due to very heavy demand the Regular 08.25hrs Morning Train to Dublin from Co. Galway Stations on Sunday morning is now completely SOLD OUT.

Iarnrod Éireann wishes to advise people travelling that they will not be able to board this train unless they are in possession of an advance purchased ticket.

There is a limited number of seats still available for travel outwards on Saturday and return on the 19.15hrs Special train from Heuston to Galway on Sunday evening. Tickets can be purchased on this website.

Followers are asked to co-operate with Iarnrod Éireann by availing of alternative transport if they are unable to get a train ticket.

Iarnrod Eireann regret any inconvenience this may cause.
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