Exit validation. Your fares at work
On Saturday, A few friends and I got train into Tara from R&L.
R&L station was closed so I presumed we'd buy tickets in Tara.
Got in anyway about 7or 8 minutes late.
Got off in tara. we were at the back of the train so got off first.
the exit validation gates were on so I got out ok.
Friends had to buy tickets of the guys. So the inspector has to:
get out pen
write ticket
stop to ask other inspector how much ticket is.
finish writing ticket
take money,
give change,
give friendA his ticket
So friendA is standing there, with his paid ticket looking at a closed gate.
"Do I put this non-magnetic ticket into the machine or what?"
"No that wont work in the machine." pause. Inspector gives smartcard to security guy standing about a yard away. Security guy waves smartcard gate opens, security gives smartcard back to inspector. Friend A gets out.
FriendB waits for inspector to write ticket ....
FriendC has his turn. has a fiver for a 3.70 ticket. tells inspector to keep change and just let him out. "No I can't do that here is your 13 ten cent coins instead wait 'til I count them out very slowly." (this may be made up not a real quote)
Eventually we get out while the crowd of about 50 people wait behind us.
We go into O'Reilly's, get stout and after it has settled, we see people still queuing to get out of the station. I notice the 4 ticket machines are unused because they are outside the barriers.
Oh yeah Rush&Lusk station is allegedly staffed til 9pm on a Saturday according to IE, even though at 8:20 it was closed. which would have prevented this jam.