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Unread 25-01-2006, 21:35   #4
Derek Wheeler
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I've upped the anti so to speak.

This matter regarding 40m trams has dragged on far too long and Im tired of the RPA attempting (and failing) to make fools of anyone who dare question them.

I have written to Ger Hannon, enclosing our original press release and asked him to explain to me as a P11 member and Luas customer why we were talking "nonsense". If he fails to reply or justify his opinion, I'll write to the Minister, then the Taoiseach and if I have to, I'll raise it with our colleagues in Europe and perhaps then we can get results. Either way, I want an answer that makes "sense".

The original excuse of running 30m trams at a higher frequency doesn't add up and never did.
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