Just before Christmas meself and d missus were stopped overnight in a Dutch border town.
Our plan was to get the first train to Germany in the morning which was due to depart at 05.10.
We arrived at the still closed station at 05.00 to find a largish crowd waiting outside the station intent on getting the same train. At 05.05 everyone was looking at watches, tapping on windows, looking for an open door etc to try and get into the station.
at 05.08 a guy (in Hi-Vis vest) appears from inside the station and to everyones relief after a bit of key fumbling opens the station door, a big rush ensued to get on the train only to find our way blocked by a shutter in the subway

The Hi-vis guy reappears and after more key fumbling opens the shutter.
However when we got to the platform all we could see was two red lights leaving and the timetable rumbling
