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Unread 09-01-2007, 13:11   #1
Donal Quinn
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 267
Default timetables on my phone

right here goes

i thought it would be cool to have the timetables on my phone. there are several options for doing this

1. view the pdfs - for this you need a fancy schmancy Palm Treo or something, I'm sure someone is doing this

2. view HTML files. My phone has a HTML viewer that works quite well. So if i can put the relevant timetables in a html format somehow that would work
2.1. i took the pdfs and converted them to HTML (using gmail) didn't work
2.2. I used the timetable search on
2.2.1. I copied and pasted the results into word and excel - no go
2.2.2. saved the page directly and sent it to my phone - kind of worked but very messy cos of all the extra crap on the page
2.3. I can just go and write the HTML and enter the times manually. If i had done this at the start instead of wasting my time with the other methods it would be done by now!!!

3. write them in as a draft SMS - this is the fall back but is not cool or techy enough

4. take a pic of the relevant time table and view it in my phone
4.1 take a screen shot of the timetable and put it on my phone

anyone else doing this or have a better idea?
is there perchance a site i am unaware of?

Last edited by Donal Quinn : 09-01-2007 at 14:23. Reason: adding 4 and 4.1
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