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Unread 21-12-2006, 13:43   #1
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Default New ticket barriers "suck"

I know this is probably discussed somewhere else and falls under the wonderful dream of intergrated ticketing. But last week i had exams in the rds for college so i was happy i knew the 7 o'clock from drogheda stoped at landsdown road. I was all happy, i had my weekly ticket but it had been bought in connolly on tuesday for drogheda, and not monday for pearse by default as usual. I didnt think that mattered, but how was i wrong, cie got something right and has a barrier in place in landsdown that i cant get through with my ticket Several swipes, a confused look at an unattentive ticket desk person and then i thought **** it and climbed down the ramp at the end of the platform and walked out on the level crossing. And i did this the next day aswell.

Im sorry if im exceeding my stop but i have no other way of getting to my exams, and i dont work so my parents arent going to fork out a couple of euro to hop 2 stops past the normal limit of the commuter. Barriers maybe smart, but i prefare the walking through an open gate with a semi-valid ticket pointed at the face of someone not even looking at me, is this too much to ask?
Commuting is my extra 50 minutes of sleep
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