No kids in my house, but tonnes of decorations. Just look at the kit under my tree!

secrets out. (Where is this? no more)
Anyway, its a personal thing. I can understand why people don't bother, but in our house (the lovely Louise and I) we do it in recognition of a time of year where you can at least remember, reflect and understand the year that was and fill your home with a festive atmosphere to remind you of whats its really about. No splashing out on clothes, expensive pressies, booze or restaurants.
Christmas is a landmark in the calendar and if you want to do a religious, moral, personal or financially outlandish act, then thats up to you. The most important aspect of it, is to celebrate it in a way that has some true meaning for you as an individual or family. Decorations are only a small part of it, but are important to some. Its optional really.
I'll post a photo of my tree soon. Its really cool.