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Unread 10-12-2006, 21:25   #5
Derek Wheeler
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In 21st century Ireland and in the run up to Christmas, Im of the opinion that the RPSI should be told no way to Santa specials in the Dublin City area. I think its time the Government and CIE listened to the pleas of preservation societies and co-operated in the provision of dedicated sites alignments etc.

With all due respect to the RPSI, the failure/delay risk posed by a preserved steam train on a mainline is contrary to the provision of an efficient rail service. Its not beyond the bounds of reality to say that additional train paths are used up by the Santa Specials. As Sunday is a "quiet day", it appears alright. But I was told today that Santa specials could actually effect the operation of the new Kildare Sunday service, if IE saw sense and extended it to Pearse.

One to think about.
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