CIE Webcast 7th December
"Do you want to know more about Iarnród Éireann's investment plans under Transport 21?
Click here for details of our webchat on Thursday 7th December, and to submit a question."
I noticed the above on the IE website in the last day or so.
Will P11 be submitting questions?
For my part, I have tabled two questions.
Question one asks for clarification as to whether ongoing commuter focused project updates/ communication plans (as opposed to quarterly "everything is on budget & time and there are no problems" PR spin) are a component of the project.
Question two asks will the Dublin Bus component of getting to Stephens Green be proactively managed by those responsible so that we do not have the situation that if a loaded commuter train arrives into Hueston a few minutes late we see an empty departing route 92 bus heading for stephens green - as happened earlier this week!