It already exists, as a tourist trip. The tidal nature of the river would make the timetable a nightmare and predictability a no-no, unless a weir was constructed somewhere like Poolbeg.
These list things are a a great idea. Here's mine, wont be done but however.
1. CIE dosnt licence off its docklands property for housing and the like.
2. Build the interconnector
3. Have trains from Dublin to Belfast through the Phoenix Park Tunnel.
4. Massive lateral extension to Connolly where temp station is now, together with new underground station all west and south trains to stop there through PPT
5. Close Heuston, sell it to Developers.
6. Sell off Half of Inchicore, build massive apartment blocks on it.
7. Double Deck trains to Drougheda
8. Electricfy to Drougheda as well.
9. Electrify to Portlaoise.
1. Congestion Charge within the NCR/SCR Dublin.
2. Move all west city bus teminii to the South Docklands area build a depot there like Harristown
3. All buses from Northside and Southside which go into the city centre are cross town routes.
4. Utilise the potential of Griffith Collins Avenues Northside, Kylemore Road and the like Southside (Geog of the Southside not my strong point)
5. Create a core network of around 30-40 routes that will be very high freq.
6. No cash on buses, no validators either, LUAS system only.
7. Vending machines on every street, cards available at every shop and pub.
8. Zonal fare system. Simple zones: Inner city zone, north city zone, south city zone, outer city zone, west city zone.
9. Demolish busaras, move depot to the new rail station at Docklands.
1. modily the constitutional provisions on private property to allow infrastructural developments which are in the public goos and certified to be so by a vote in the Oireachtas. This will also apply to specific areas, eg, anything within the M50 and not built on now will be built on, within the limits of good stratiegic guildlines on quality of life eg parks, shops, schools. The land will be vested in the state and leased back to developers who will be incentivised to develop that land in preferance to other land.
2. For every planning application for more than 5 houses a developer will have to pay heed to the dermographic trends of the area. Rhis may in effect force developers to build schools within their estates. Whenever a development of more than five houses (or a series of developments consisting of less then five developments but which are in proximity) is being considered by a planning authority the planning authority shall be obliged to notify the departnemt of Education, the local health authority and the local VEC and shall consider their observations in relation to that development.
3. Housing will be concentrated in towns and settlements that have their own sanitary and fresh water infrastructure in place after a set date to be determined by the Oireactas and that date shall be a nationwide date.
That's about it.
t21, in actual fact, all transport planning, is about moving people. We are facing a large logisical problem in moving people because many governments and local authorities have allowed our polulation to grow too disparsed. We have to fill in the gaps, otherwise we shall be seeing massive settlements starting everywhere.
It almost happend in Laois. Think about that. It would have been a total disaster and a nightmare.
The logjam is the constitutional provisions, for the common good, it has to be amended, otherwise we can throw our hat at it.
Sort it out, then move people. Adamstown, you know, could have been built at Newlands Cross. Why wasnt it?
We are the passengers