Thread: "Booking in"?
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Unread 16-11-2006, 15:32   #1
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Default "Booking in"?

This morning I arrived in Heuston at about 7:05 for my 8:05 to Westport and did the usual of collecting my ticket, picking up a Times and getting something to eat before wandering down Platform 4 at about 20 past. Gates were open, train was on the platform, doors open. 2 Iarnród Éireann staff members were walking down the platform well ahead of me aswell. I got to the "A Coach" and was about to take my seat when one of the staff members banged on the window and pointed to the back of the carriage where he insisted I leave the train and wait in the main area until I was "Booked in" as he said. Could he not stamp my ticket himself and not cause the hastle of having to go back up to the main area until the staff member arrived to check the tickets at about 7:40? The words Customer Service or lack there of was very prominent in my mind at the time as he wasn't exactly polite but nothing too much on the other end of the scale either.

There is no sign that I could see around that you were not allowed to go down the platform if the gates are open and your train is waiting, if they were closed thats pretty clear your not supposed to go on but when its wide open I think thats an invitation to board.
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