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Unread 11-11-2006, 22:10   #9
Thomas J Stamp
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I knew i should have locked this thread.

Anyway, Sir Anthony O'Reilly is actually a UK Citizen and is perfectly entitled to recieve his knighthood and it is therefore nothing to do with the Irish Government nor the constitution.

These days of course, it's extreme political correctness, ultra pretentious "arts" reviews, etc, but still the same general air of gombeenism, and shape shifting crowd pleasing. Ever notice that dirtcheap habit they have of playing up minor flaws their competitors ocassionally make.....? Really cheap, folks, really cheap......
But they all do that. For example, the Irish Mail on Sunday has the Spike Column and the phoenix has long since called the S.I. The duckworth School of Journalism.

Let's try to keep out dislike for any paper or journalist in terms of their transport coverage in future, ok.?

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