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Unread 10-11-2006, 20:19   #6
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Thumbs down A name change would do them good......

How about "The Oxymoron", "The Freemasons Journal", or "The Sunday Glenda Gilson". At least we could respect them for being a *little* more honest. Not only is it an insult to the word "Independent", it's also an insult to the word "Irish", considering the way they slime up to the infallable almighty e.u. (All bow in hushed reverence.....) Of course "Sir" A****** has nowt to do with that, yeah and pigs fly (Ignore case study of Battersea Power Station, "Animals" circa 1977 ). Check out their old editions on microfilm, just as bad. Out of utter boredom, I checked out on microfilm in college recently, a June 1985 copy. The usual patronising captions underneath women who graduated from college (not just a pretty face type ballsology) whiney letters from "taxpayers" about "the yoof of today", utterly retarded and banal comments in the t.v. review section (check out pop festival on bbc1, the day after Springsteen in Slane, "Hair of the Dog" for Springsteen fans, says the chump, of a gig that features *Phillip Bailey*, *Culture Club*, etc!!! Dumbwad....) These days of course, it's extreme political correctness, ultra pretentious "arts" reviews, etc, but still the same general air of gombeenism, and shape shifting crowd pleasing. Ever notice that dirtcheap habit they have of playing up minor flaws their competitors ocassionally make.....? Really cheap, folks, really cheap......

Last edited by John. : 10-11-2006 at 20:36.
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