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Unread 09-11-2006, 21:21   #3
Derek Wheeler
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Originally Posted by Aphfaneire View Post
As a student nurse i am going to be put into my placement in january. Now i will be placed in St James's Hospital. My problem is however that i live 6 miles north of drogheda and commute into Dublin ever single day. I am expected to arrive in James's for 730 am every morning during placement. Now that means getting the first train of the day at around 605 am, this leaves me in connoly aroun 7 am, luas is then 20 minutes, getting changed after long walk from james's luas stop to locker room, 10 minutes, getting to ward on time, a further 5 minutes.

Its just not possible, and i cant drive yet and theres no parking for students anyway. Theres is no way i could ever wake up and make it to my destination on time and get changed into my uniform and then go through the maze of access back to the hospital and to my ward.
I can only offer you the following advice.

Hook up with some fellow students and get a flat nearby and a bike. That way you can work, party and enjoy the temptations that will envelope you.
Was there no way you could have got a placement in a hospital closer to where you live?
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