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Unread 09-11-2006, 19:09   #9
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: County louth, 6 miles from civilisation:-(
Posts: 155

Build tram networks in all major towns where it is fiesable.
Build new routes between towns with rail to dublin but not between each other, ie western rail coridor, go to all major towns in the west and then connect to Newry, and go east from kerry to connect to waterford so we have a big circle going around the country, with the old crazy routes in the middle.

Build tram lines or in motorway medians inside cities and major towns.

Build Red line spur to Naas down the Naas road, you know you want the chaos and the extra service

And now for the crazy plan:
Build supper huge city, skyscrappers and all in the centre of the country. When building it include massive tram network, train services, city airport, full ring road, extensive bus network, affordable housing with full technological improvements(solar panels, geo-thermal heating, broadband, pneumatic tubing to post office ), Shoping areas in city centre not shopping centres,(malls and arcades are fine as part of skyscrappers), Limit driving in cetral zones to deliveries, taxi's and curriours, Large pedestrain areas and sky bridges between important buildings, Underground motorways/walkways and subways to provide over all access but not cluttering the ground.

Oh and ofcourse when this city is finished with a capacity for about 2 million people, blow up all the major towns and keep all land marks and then rebuild them to a logical grid iron layout with working interconnected transport, and loads of pedestrianised areas to keep shopping in town, not aircraft carrier sized monstrosities like dundrum. I can dream cant i?
Commuting is my extra 50 minutes of sleep
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