Wow, just got in the post on Tuesday 7th November, the refund from the 2nd October morning train delays. (The day they made a point of handing out the forms as people got off the trains).
We (me and my better half) handed in two refund requests, the evening of the delay straight into customer services in Heuston.
Page long letter contains the usual rambling excuses and promises of investigating it further. A €5

discount slip of yellow paper thingy, that can be exchange for cash - (I think, in Abbey St) - or used as discount on a ticket booking.
Right - where do I begin.
The Good (ish):
The €5 was very exciting for a 1hr delay, more than I got in January last year (€3 for a 2hr delay if I remember correctly).
The possibility I can cash it (must check it)
The Bad
The docket lasts for only 3 months from date of issue. Refund cards I got last year valid for 12 months. Maybe if I bring docket to Abbey St I get discount card for 12 mths?
The Ugly
Letter arrived 7th November.
dated 20th October!!. Letter must have been hand-delivered by oft-mentioned disabled elephant who walked from Abbey St to Portarlington.
Only one letter arrived - for the other half! I have yet to receive anything and two requests handed in, same envelope, same address, same day.
Anyone else got cash flying in through the letter box?