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Unread 28-10-2006, 21:31   #12
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 199
Default How real time is realtimeclontarf ?


Thanks for that link to the real time Clontarf Road page - *if* this really is realtime (like they have in the ticket office) then gone are my days of leaving the office to walk to the station and missing a train by seconds, only to see that the next peak time train isn't due for over 15 minutes.

This link alone is one of the most usefull pieces of information I have come across on the web in a long time.

Incidentally, I tried looking for other pages like realtimebray, realtimeconnolly, etc, but to no avail. Is there some train fan with a pair of binoculars trained at the platform displays on Clontarf Road, or is there a good reason IE haven't extended the concept ?


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