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Unread 27-10-2006, 11:12   #18
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Limerick
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Default Browser wars

If anyone has got the IE reservation system to work on any other browser than Internet Explorer running on a Microsoft Windows machine, can they let me know.

I use a mac for both work and home and I can't remember the last time I had to fire up a PC cause I couldn't view a site on my mac. And yes, I know the techie reason why the site won't work on my mac.

Also, while I'm at it, has anyone figured out how to change your credit card details without registering a new account? I have three accounts registered so far (work, personal, joint account with wife) and it seems ridiculous that I can't just change my credit card number.

This is 2006, having a functional online reservation system isn't rocket science anymore.

Originally Posted by Donalq
I suggest a test. if all those who do reserve report back on 31 oct then we'll get a clear idea of a)how often the actually mark the seats b) how often the seats are taken by other passengers c) what efforts the IE guy makes to get you into the seat you paid for....
That's a great idea Donal, will report back after the weekend.

Hope everybody gets on OK with their bank holiday travelling, and watch out, due to the bank holiday chicken and stuffing sangwidges are predicted to be low, passengers are advised to bring their own to avoid disappointment.

Last edited by TomB : 27-10-2006 at 11:15.
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