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Unread 25-10-2006, 10:06   #10
Donal Quinn
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 267

dissappointing from ESRI

surely one of the biggest benefits of rail(and the bit that does to for me) it its 1) expandability and 2)Predictability

1) without building more track the capacity of any rail system can be enhanced through signalling, longer trains and different rolling stock - has the ESRI seen o'connell st at rush hour? where exactly would the extra busses go?

2) even with bus lanes the variation in how long a bus will take to get from a to b is amazing. two examples - phibsboro to baggot st, from 12 - 45 mins - dublin to galway - 3 - 5 hrs. this is not an issue with trains. and don't get me started on dwell times

surely these issues have to be factored into economic costs...

also on the issue of operating costs
1400 people on a single dart - 1 dart driver
1400 people on 15 buses - 15 bus drivers clogging up the roads
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