Even if I could somehow use my smartcard as a weekly ticket I would be happy, but for some reason beyond my understanding it's not possible.
After my initial post, and having checked the Luas website I can see that there actually is a ticket agent on O'Connell Street so I stand corrected. The issue is that there is only one, yet there are so many convenience stores on O'Connell Street all of which are just as close to the Luas as eachother that don't sell them.
Proper signage such as that used for Dublin Bus ticket agents or mobile top-up agents would help big time in my opinion since it saves me walking into the shop, queuing for assistance and asking if they're sold there. The alternative; having to memorise the information off the Luas website regarding locations for ticket agents is equally frustrating.
To be perfectly honest I often resort to free-loading on the Luas as a very last resort if I cannot get a ticket, and until some degree of convenience is introduced to the whole area of ticketing I'm not going to stop having mastered all the tricks. Surely as a regular Luas user this is my right? I might actually write to Connex about this because I prefer never to moan anywhere other than where it counts; the Luas operators in this case.
The issue of zoning leads on naturally really - I cannot believe that zoning is fixed as opposed to relative from where you're travelling with Luas. IE are just as bad really - once I travelled from the Enterprise service into Dublin and changed for a train to Drumcondra assuming it's no extra cost since that's the case for going to Pearse or Tara (both of which are only one or two stops away). So imagine my surprise when on the return journey from Drumcondra on different occasion the difference in the price of the fare was over €3