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Unread 11-10-2006, 14:32   #3
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Posts: 43

True. A friend of mineand I were discussing rail transport today on the way home from college today. It seems to us that regularly using rail transport is bound to encourage some people to just drive to Dublin. Investment in the road network puts the investment in the rail network to shame. With little comfort, poor punctuality, increasing costs, generally unfriendly staff, poor waiting facilities and now pay parking, Irish rail transport is fast running out of redeeming features for commuters. Hopefully whatever party of eejits win the coming election will shake things into order.

Indefence of IE on the pay parking issue, I guess it is fair to say that ensuring safety of parked cars will cost them money. It would be unfair to pile the cost of parking security onto the ticket price of those that don't drive to the station. However, they aren't investing much money in parking - just look at the new "spaces" at Newbridge: a flattened pile of rocks.
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