We have the list of all landowners at the station site, the entire new car park is on private land acquired by IE under CPO, one of the 2 access roads is on IE land
The real problem is 3 extra platforms will go in on the north side, i.e. on the existing car park which in turn blocks access to the small (C)IE land holding at the east end of the station.
The plans are comprehensive, new link road and well thought out (yes a suprise from IE), you should be seeing part of the new car park open quickly
Kildare and Newbridge suffer from almost identical problems a somewhat similar situation with land and there is a chance that the quick fix might be used well IE haven't done anything about it since Marcg, in the case of Hazelhatch its just not possible. Real problem is IE don't explain what they are doing to the public, if they had a sign up saying
"New footlit CCTV fitted 400 space car park under construction" be a awful lot more proactive than us crawling through planning applications to see what IE are doing, none of the plans for Hazelhatch are on the IE website for instance
Of course the project is running 2 years late thanks to the usual time wasting acting in the Department of Transport