Quote: "NTR has no contractual obligation to be interoperable with other toll schemes. "
There you are....Problem posed and answered in one single post.
If there HAD been a simple one-line "Contractual Obligation" insisting on a single electronic cashless mode then NTR would have included it..FULL STOP.
This situation is EXACTLY parallell to the Integrated Ticketing mallarkey coming to us courtesy of Irl Gov.ie.
The over-riding ethos appears to be:
"If NO problem exists prior to a new infrastructural start-up,then Government Policy is to find,invent or manufacture a problem which will then necessitate a large scale "Rectification Process" involving Friends of,Relations of,or mere accquaintances of Government Personages."
The only qualifer is that the Friends,Relations or Accquaintances MUST own or have a beneficial interest in companies or entities which will derive benefit from addressing the "Problems" which,remember,exist ONLY due to lack of oversight and planning in the first instance.
The scale of benefit available to the Friends,Relations and Accquaintances will vary from comfortable to absolutely shaggin unbelievable depending on the scale of relationship with the relevant Minister (NB: In the absence of a Minister a nominated Departmental Secretary can assume the Ministers role in allocating such "Problem Solving" duties as may be required) to
1: Initially Make the problem worse
2: Seek a revised contractual provision to address the solving of the worsened/worsening problem.
3: To recruit extra family/friends/accquaintances as may be found necessary to meet the requirements of (a) 1 + 2 above.
4: To ensure that any and all important public notices relating to (b) 1,2 and 3 above are expeditiously promulgated thru an t-Iris Oifiguil having regard to the requirement to use the 1st Official Language and to be fully aware of the importance of such notices appearing on the Friday of a Bank-Holiday weekend .
Now,lets see how much will my ESB bill be increasing from January......
Anybody know any GOOD revolutionaries....?