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Search: Posts Made By: ofjames
Forum: Longford-Maynooth-Dunboyne-Clonsilla-Dublin line 08-01-2010, 10:59
Replies: 6
Views: 34,337
Posted By ofjames
Maynooth Line This Morning (8-1-10)

things were fairly chaotic on the maynooth line this morning.

i arrived at castleknock before 8.20 for the scheduled service that terminates in Bray.

after about 15 mins delay, a 6 car intercity...
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 21-08-2009, 18:40
Replies: 56
Views: 31,342
Posted By ofjames

Forum: Commuter Services 21-08-2009, 18:40
Replies: 171
Views: 108,648
Posted By ofjames

Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 26-05-2009, 14:24
Replies: 11
Views: 7,619
Posted By ofjames
the northbound luas will cross o'connell bridge,...

the northbound luas will cross o'connell bridge, the southbound luas will cross a planned new bridge linking marlborough street and hawkins street
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 26-05-2009, 13:23
Replies: 11
Views: 7,619
Posted By ofjames
assuming bx and d will actually be built, will...

assuming bx and d will actually be built, will the luas trams run from broadstone right through town to cherrywood or will you have to get off on parnell street and change there at the bx...
Forum: Longford-Maynooth-Dunboyne-Clonsilla-Dublin line 20-11-2008, 20:41
Replies: 6
Views: 43,009
Posted By ofjames
i get this train every morning, and its late...

i get this train every morning, and its late arriving in town nearly all of the time. it either gets held up outside connolly at ballybough or it stands still at the connolly platform for 5 mins...
Forum: Longford-Maynooth-Dunboyne-Clonsilla-Dublin line 10-03-2008, 11:24
Replies: 4
Views: 35,538
Posted By ofjames
As far as i know, the emptiness is explained by...

As far as i know, the emptiness is explained by the fact the 8.17 started from clonsilla this morning.

That probably explains why the later Maynooth-Pearse train was so packed, given the numbers of...
Forum: Rail Users Ireland Canteen 07-03-2008, 13:12
Replies: 9
Views: 4,170
Posted By ofjames
I thought you were going to reintroduce Derek...

I thought you were going to reintroduce Derek Wheeler for a second!;)
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 15-02-2008, 12:45
Replies: 47
Views: 19,117
Posted By ofjames
Right, is there anyone out there who can give an...

Right, is there anyone out there who can give an accurate (say with a 2500 people pd/ph margin for error either side) what the demand for this service should be

i) when it opens in 2013...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 26-01-2008, 18:31
Replies: 127
Views: 47,997
Posted By ofjames
how come the projected costing of the navan line...

how come the projected costing of the navan line is so high?

is there a particular reason for it or is that par for the course these days for a heavy rail build
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 08-01-2008, 19:41
Replies: 127
Views: 47,997
Posted By ofjames
im reading on boards that dempsey has come out...

im reading on boards that dempsey has come out tonight on rte and said that the navan line WILL definitely be built. Confusing stuff indeed if true
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 08-01-2008, 19:10
Replies: 127
Views: 47,997
Posted By ofjames
This report surely makes IE's case for claiming...

This report surely makes IE's case for claiming the broadstone alignment utterly redundant???
Forum: Longford-Maynooth-Dunboyne-Clonsilla-Dublin line 17-12-2007, 09:20
Replies: 1
Views: 31,113
Posted By ofjames
7.58 Maynooth - Bray 17/Dec/2007

Signalling fault in drumcondra this morning. Train was diverted down the midland line and up the curve into platform 7 at connolly. Service was on time but i'd imagine there were a lot of very...
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 06-12-2007, 09:41
Replies: 17
Views: 12,717
Posted By ofjames
i would think the 1.7 billion is the total...

i would think the 1.7 billion is the total expenditure on roads, with 600mln of that amount devoted to regional roads. Adding in the billion to be spent on public transport, you would then have the...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 04-12-2007, 14:17
Replies: 190
Views: 83,682
Posted By ofjames
Scaremongering bull****. I wonder has the Irish...

Scaremongering bull****. I wonder has the Irish Times as a whole bought into Frank McDonald's silly anti-metro stance.

From what is reputed to be a respected broadsheet, i find it remarkable that...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 25-11-2007, 16:45
Replies: 34
Views: 11,499
Posted By ofjames
Is there any validity in the notion that IE's...

Is there any validity in the notion that IE's reluctance to use the PPT for regular commuter services is founded on the fear that doing so would result in politicians killing of the interconnector??...
Forum: Longford-Maynooth-Dunboyne-Clonsilla-Dublin line 18-10-2007, 18:58
Replies: 120
Views: 180,396
Posted By ofjames
On the Blanchardstown side of the tracks at...

On the Blanchardstown side of the tracks at coolmine there is a Turnstile exit and an entrance gate. If the level crossing is closed, the only way to get to the Ticket office is to go through the...
Forum: Longford-Maynooth-Dunboyne-Clonsilla-Dublin line 16-10-2007, 20:18
Replies: 23
Views: 66,329
Posted By ofjames
It was a complete disgrace this morning. I was at...

It was a complete disgrace this morning. I was at coolmine, waiting in vain for my usual commute on the 8.15 service (which I presumed to be delayed). No announcements were made at coolmine with...
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 11-08-2007, 09:36
Replies: 19
Views: 7,528
Posted By ofjames
Perhaps so, but the GAA still got it all done for...

Perhaps so, but the GAA still got it all done for around €300million, which is very cheap on international standards for a 80000+ stadium.

Wembley...€1bln approx!
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 30-07-2007, 10:36
Replies: 19
Views: 7,528
Posted By ofjames
We need the stadium badly lads, these works are...

We need the stadium badly lads, these works are essential. Therefore, 2 weekends of inconvenience over a 3 month period is not too much to ask for in my opinion.

no need to whing bout this one i...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 06-07-2007, 16:56
Replies: 19
Views: 8,586
Posted By ofjames
Fair point regarding JCM hospital, it doesnt...

Fair point regarding JCM hospital, it doesnt serve Blanchardstown Institute of Technology either.

Students of BIT travelling via metro west will have to disembark at the NAC and take their chance...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 06-07-2007, 15:20
Replies: 19
Views: 8,586
Posted By ofjames
So you reckon it will run like the luas along the...

So you reckon it will run like the luas along the naas road?

From my local knowledge, given the vast amount of undeveloped land between ballycoolin and the airport, there should be no difficulty as...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 06-07-2007, 12:28
Replies: 19
Views: 8,586
Posted By ofjames
in the literature surrounding metro west, it...

in the literature surrounding metro west, it states that the tracks 'will be segregated from road traffic,' but then it also states that 'the trams will cross junctions in the same manner as...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 05-07-2007, 11:12
Replies: 19
Views: 8,586
Posted By ofjames
Metro West Route

Minister Dempsey and Frank Allen are launching the selected Metro West route at lunchtime today. No news as of yet however. Im waiting for the barage of criticism of this project once its...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 29-06-2007, 20:05
Replies: 75
Views: 25,846
Posted By ofjames
As a commuter who has suffered the absolutely...

As a commuter who has suffered the absolutely dreadful service on the maynooth line for all too long, the moans and groans of the north-south travellers on the DART line really make me laugh. You...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 28

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