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Search: Posts Made By: AndrewMc
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 07-11-2008, 19:44
Replies: 281
Views: 261,360
Posted By AndrewMc

Pay and display in Athy from next Monday 10th. Car park is still a potholed, gravel and shattered-glass filled yard. I think only about ten or twelve spaces are actually marked out - the rest is just...
Forum: Dublin Waterford 06-10-2008, 09:24
Replies: 10
Views: 33,548
Posted By AndrewMc
And over 20 minutes late into Athy again this...

And over 20 minutes late into Athy again this morning, and last Friday, too, I think. Any reason for this? Is it the same problem with getting the level crossing open in Waterford? There's simply no...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 02-09-2008, 17:29
Replies: 281
Views: 261,360
Posted By AndrewMc
Exactly, but they're charging for parking and not...

Exactly, but they're charging for parking and not providing an alternative. It's completely backwards.

In Dublin? I cycled for years in Dublin, and always felt like I was 2 inches from a...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 29-08-2008, 14:53
Replies: 281
Views: 261,360
Posted By AndrewMc
Indeed. There are no bike racks in Athy, and I've...

Indeed. There are no bike racks in Athy, and I've no parking charges where I work in Dublin.
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 27-08-2008, 10:28
Replies: 281
Views: 261,360
Posted By AndrewMc
[/QUOTE] As I said before, this is simply...


As I said before, this is simply untrue. The parking charges push the prices of rail travel within spitting distance of driving for my wife and I travelling together. And door-to-door, the...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 28-07-2008, 14:58
Replies: 281
Views: 261,360
Posted By AndrewMc
For both my wife and I travelling together, these...

For both my wife and I travelling together, these car park charges push the cost of rail travel within about €200 of sharing a car (even after estimating approx 50% back from taxsaver scheme)....
Forum: Dublin Waterford 14-02-2008, 10:14
Replies: 2
Views: 30,956
Posted By AndrewMc
I assume you mean, beyond what the timetable...

I assume you mean, beyond what the timetable says? :)

The (free) car park in Athy is busy, but has enough space. I believe they're doing some work on that in the near future, but I'm not sure what...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 25-11-2007, 16:46
Replies: 4
Views: 3,536
Posted By AndrewMc
Any particular reason these level crossings...

Any particular reason these level crossings aren't automated yet?
Forum: Dublin Waterford 25-10-2007, 09:21
Replies: 12
Views: 29,586
Posted By AndrewMc
I didn't catch the name. Ballysomething,...

I didn't catch the name. Ballysomething, Ballykeale perhaps? Not familiar with the area.
Forum: Dublin Waterford 23-10-2007, 10:24
Replies: 12
Views: 29,586
Posted By AndrewMc
When I telephoned yesterday they admitted that it...

When I telephoned yesterday they admitted that it was the gatekeeper that was the problem yesterday. For last Tuesday she was able to identify wheel slip and a door problem as the likely causes;...
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 23-10-2007, 10:16
Replies: 103
Views: 56,565
Posted By AndrewMc
Look out for an entry in the 2009 Guinness Book...

Look out for an entry in the 2009 Guinness Book of Records for "longest time spent with crossed fingers". ;)
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 22-10-2007, 20:44
Replies: 103
Views: 56,565
Posted By AndrewMc
Following up to myself... While asking about the...

Following up to myself...

While asking about the chronic unreliability of the 6:10 Waterford/Dublin, I asked about the new timetable. I was told that it was being finalised and would probably be...
Forum: Dublin Waterford 22-10-2007, 10:41
Replies: 12
Views: 29,586
Posted By AndrewMc
I asked the ticket checker, and he said it was...

I asked the ticket checker, and he said it was because the gate-keeper (somewhere near Waterford) didn't show up. Again.

In the last 6 working days, this service has reached Athy an average of 20...
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 16-10-2007, 19:56
Replies: 103
Views: 56,565
Posted By AndrewMc
Hmm, I wasn't even think of that one! I was...

Hmm, I wasn't even think of that one! I was simply wondering when the “rough guide to the trains we've finally decided to run” timetables (even the little leafletty ones) might be available.

Forum: Dublin Waterford 16-10-2007, 19:51
Replies: 18
Views: 34,899
Posted By AndrewMc
And, despite that padding, it still arrived 14...

And, despite that padding, it still arrived 14 minutes late.

The rumour mills between passengers are working overdrive at this stage. One common story going around is that the morning trouble is...
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 16-10-2007, 13:37
Replies: 103
Views: 56,565
Posted By AndrewMc
Question Official 2008 timetables?

I know there are other wishlist threads on the scheduling within the timetable, but I've a really, really simple question which I didn't see (though I may have missed it...)

When will the new...
Forum: Dublin Waterford 16-10-2007, 12:22
Replies: 18
Views: 34,899
Posted By AndrewMc
And today it left Athy 36 minutes late, arriving...

And today it left Athy 36 minutes late, arriving into Heuston 22 minutes late. No explanation given on either day.

Are the drivers on a rotating shift, one week at a time? We seem to notice a...
Forum: All stops to Thurles 29-05-2007, 08:10
Replies: 9
Views: 18,093
Posted By AndrewMc
It's been a while since I took the 6.30 from...

It's been a while since I took the 6.30 from Carlow (I'm usually on the 6.10 from Waterford these days). However, when I did, the train usually reached Athy within a few minutes of the set time. (I...
Showing results 1 to 18 of 18

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